We specialize in the search for key executives that we identify through a combination of deep, extensive market knowledge and the exhaustive mapping of companies and relevant sectors.
We know that yesterday’s successful executive is not necessarily tomorrow’s.
We look for people who will help you today and in the future, with a vision for change and a modern perspective.
- We boast a team of expert professionals with experience acquired in the best international and national firms.
- We are agile and modern. We adapt to customer times.
- We assign the expert in the subject. There are no amateurs. Each one of us has a proven track record.
- We help our clients refine the search with market information, taking into consideration the necessary capabilities before the mapping of existing positions in leading companies and in the sector as a whole.
- We clarify the context in which the selected candidates will have to fulfill their role and their true challenges, having the expertise and knowledge to be able to motivate them and show them the opportunity.
- We use the best available tools to perform an accurate assessment of candidates.
- In addition to personal interviews, we use Hogan and Lominger, world-class assessment tools.
- Our reference checking, obtained from sources we personally trust, is the most exhaustive in the market.
BÄCKER & PARTNERS is an Executive Search and Leadership Consulting services firm composed of renowned senior professionals with experience acquired in the main global and local consulting firms and in the Human Resources Department of major international companies.